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The journey through Cyberspace

The whole world opens up as India hooks up to the information highway. f you are using the phrase, ‘International Information Superhighway’ and thinking how erudite you sound, forget it. It’s already a no-no, a cliche, a has-been of a catch phrase. How, you blink, did that happen, when you had hardly begun to understand […]
Jun 10, 1996 | Article


The Rise Of The Ghazal Singers

Ghazal singers have become the new cultural celebrities in India. They sing to packed houses, their programmes are very popular on television, and their records sell better than many Hindi film records. Why have they suddenly become so popular? ROHINI SOMAN investigates.
Jun 1, 1980 | Personality


Performance - A Musical Fair

IT was no different from other music festivals that Bombay is treated to during the peak music season, except that it was organised by Protima Bedi, and her Odissi Dance Centre students. And since Protima is a commercial password when it comes to all things cultural, the festival drew to its charmed circle, big names.
Mar 2, 1981 | Personality


Power Women - Stand Alone - Doing it All

Urban Indian Women are making choices and making them work. ROHINI NILEKANI – 46 , S0CIAL WORKER – Stand Alone Role call: Wears many hats in the social sector. A trust fund of Rs 100 crore focuses on access to water while the Akshara Foundation works with over one lakh children under the Pratham network. […]
Apr 24, 2006 | Personality