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Sea Change – Nandan Nilekani, Rohini Nilekani

Societal Thinking | Aug 22, 2018

To unbundle the thinking and provide diverse perspectives on the need for new ways of catalysing scaled, speedy and sustainable societal change, we are happy to share a 3 episode podcast series titled Sea Change; co-produced by Societal Platform and Vakku. This is a show about societal change in the digital age, and how to make a bigger, faster and more inclusive impact in the world we live in.

In this “First Episode” of Sea Change “Another way of seeing” (featuring Nandan Nilekani, Rohini Nilekani, Robert Palacios from World Bank, Ankur Vora from Gates Foundation, Lalitesh Katragadda, Sanjay Purohit and Pramod Varma), we speak to a group of people who set audacious goals, like transforming how children learn, how people access capital, or healthcare – but they don’t believe in focussing only on solutions.



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