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Landscaping the Field of Agriculture in India

Climate & Biodiversity | Oct 10, 2018

Agriculture makes 15.4% of India’s GDP. It employs 45% of people in traditional farming and modern agriculture methods and its contribution towards the betterment of the Indian economy is declining due to various reasons. Rising climate changes are leading to low crop yields across the world. Despite a drop in hunger rates, India’s economic growth has not translated to better food availability or better nutrition. A common cause for both the problems has been low profitability from agriculture and a prevailing gender gap in farming which results in unavailability of resources towards women farmers who make 70% of the farming population.

The idea of this report is to highlight organisations & individuals working/researching in the above mentioned fields of agriculture. The accompanying matrix with this report specifically breaks down the fields of work of these organizations.

PDF | Agriculture Portfolio Landscaping

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