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See life through a water prism

SIMPLE INNOVATIONS LIKE THE TAP HAVE DISTANCED PEOPLE FROM PROBLEMS AT THE SOURCE. World Water Day has come again. Did we do anything differently about our use and abuse of water since the last Water Day? At the gross level, it appears not. Because, in the context of India, this past year was one of […]
Mar 22, 2010 | Article


Cauvery row shows why India needs a low-water economy

All over the country, every day, there are a million conflicts around water, right from the jostling over the local tap to the sharing of big rivers. Once in a while, one spills from the courts into the streets and, amplified by media, flows across the troubled conscience of the nation. The Cauvery dispute is […]
Sep 18, 2016 | Article


Kannada Portal for information on Water - - Kannada

Kannada Portal for information on Water – – Kannada View PDF
Feb 23, 2008 | Article


The jewelled Aghanashini: It’s the last major free flowing river of peninsular India, don’t put the squeeze on it

For its entire 124 kilometres, this jewel of a river flows free. It is probably as old as the Western Ghats, older than the Himalayan range. Though not especially long, this west flowing river has a volume of water equal to the bigger Kali or Sharavathi rivers nearby. It originates in Shankara Honda in the […]
May 10, 2019 | Article