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Asia’s 2018 Heroes Of Philanthropy: Putting Wealth To A Good Cause

Strategic Philanthropy | Nov 15, 2018

Nandan & Rohini Nilekani, 63, 59. Cofounder, Infosys; founder, Arghyam

Pledged to donate 50% of their wealth in November 2017 under the Giving Pledge and said, “Wealth comes with huge responsibility and is best deployed for the larger public interest.” Past contributions include $5 million to the premier Indian Institute of Technology Bombay in Mumbai, Nandan’s alma mater, and a $21.4 million endowment to Arghyam, a foundation set up by Rohini, which addresses water and sanitation issues. The two have also set up the EkStep Foundation, an open-learning platform that has pooled resources to advance literacy and numeracy.

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