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Rohini Nilekani Comments on #REVIVEIndia

Civil Society | Strategic Philanthropy | Nov 5, 2020

Namaste. For years now, I’ve been thinking about how should we all come together to reduce the friction to collaborate between Samaj, Bazaar and Sarkar. Because one thing has become very clear to all of us, right? Because of this pandemic, especially, that unless these three sectors can collaborate more seamlessly, there is no way we can even begin to come close to address the complexity of the challenges humanity faces, right? This pandemic, like some of the other issues before, those related to climate change, those related to financial crashes, they affect us all at a global level, but also affect us all at a personal level. And so you need these layered creative mechanisms so that all of us can tackle them in ways that we are most competent to do so. So I was very happy to hear about REVIVE, which is a Samaj and Bazaar innovation to help the most vulnerable among us in our societies and whose lives can be improved quite dramatically by giving them just in time, just the right amount of help through returnable grants.

I really liked this innovative collaboration idea, and I hope we can think of many more such ways where we can all reach out to fellow human beings because this is not the last of the tragedies and challenges that we’re going to have to face, and we really need to all of us pull together our imagination and our compassion as well, so that we can create a far more resilient society, learning from this one very difficult year. So I do hope that REVIVE does very well, and that hundreds of, thousands of people will be positively affected. Namaste.

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