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With technology you need water too

which Mr K N Shanth Kumar, Editor, Deccan Herald and Prajavani released the book Nashisuttiruva Neerina Gnana at Nayana hall at Kannada Bhavan on Wednesday, Dr Ananthamurthy detailed ancient and mythological references to water in order to highlight the necessity for sustainable use of this natural resource and preservation of water bodies. Rohini Nilekani, Chairperson, […]
Mar 23, 2006 | Article


Revitalise our aquifers: India can be water secure, but for that we need to act urgently

This parched country will be blessed with rain soon. It is the final but worst stretch of the hot, dry summer. A good time to commit that, post monsoon, we will never forget one of the most widespread droughts in recent memory. Three years running, many states have declared drought conditions. A normal monsoon may […]
May 31, 2016 | Article

Water  |  Societal Thinking

How to Leverage Trained Water Professionals

If we have to effectively tackle the current and future pandemics, and collectively address climate-related emergencies, flexibility, adaptation and resilience are not just words. They are critical skills that communities must build quickly. The water sector is a good place to innovate in service of this imperative Water is a key sector to overcome public […]
Sep 18, 2020 |


Arghyam : Annual Report : 2015-16

Message from Chairperson. Arghyam over the past year witnessed a series of developments in the ecosystem. We are witness to water becoming an issue of conflict as the demand has risen exponentially due to competing users amidst increasingly erratic rainfall patterns. Missing data and weak institutions have compounded the problems around water further. View PDF
May 1, 2016 | Reports