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Uncommon Ground

Uncommon Ground - Bringing The State Back In

There are just too many millions below the scope of ‘efficient’ markets and beyond the reach of most NGOs. Whenever the family travelled together, while most of us would admire the greenery, my father-in-law would sigh ecstatically over the beauty of the giant pylons striding across the fields. To him, they represented the engineering talent […]
Mar 30, 2009 | Article

Uncommon Ground

Negotiating Social Harmony - Uncommon ground - Rohini Nilekani

No servant can serve two masters: for either he wall hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. You cannot serve God and mammon.” From Biblical times, this has been the conventional wisdom. But humbly correcting the dictum is philanthropist, journalist and activist, Rohini […]
Dec 5, 2011 | Book Review

Uncommon Ground

Uncommon Ground - Good Growth, Bad Growth

A question: is this economic slowdown improving the value of the environmental economy? As a family, we are not much into buying things recklessly. Although we live very well, we only buy things that we know will be used. My motherin-law and my son take this to a sort of extreme. They will only have […]
Mar 27, 2009 | Article

Uncommon Ground

The Challenge of Inequity

Solutions remain elusive as industry and civil society leaders grapple with issues. View PDF
Oct 30, 2011 | Article