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Uncommon Ground | Playbook & Manual

Uncommon Ground | Jun 3, 2021

Uncommon Ground is a movement co-created by Rohini Nilekani Philanthropies and the CAMP Centre for Arbitration and Mediation practice, that is centered around the value that the balance between samaaj, sarkaar and bazaar (society, government and business) needs to be reestablished through processes of dialogue and exchange that are embedded as a way of working into the fabric of society itself. Such systemic changes require not only a different way of doing things, but also of thinking; they require a shift in shared abilities and beliefs and approach, to view disagreements as opportunities for engagement, and in seeing conflict as having the power to reiterate similarities rather than differences. Uncommon Ground aims to build a societal muscle for transforming problems and dissonance into creative impetus for change, by serving as a conduit of shared know-how and competencies.

Playbook: This document is intended to introduce the Uncommon Ground initiative, as well as serve as a reference for the various approaches, frameworks and models used to guide strategy and activities.

Facilitators’ Manual: This document contains the details on workshop curricula and content. The broader aim of the Uncommon Ground initiative, and therefore also the curriculum is to take participants through a stage-wise journey which invites them to examine their attitudes, change their approach, and develop relevant skills; towards culmination in changed practice and behaviours.



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